test txt

We have a Problem with JSON here:
Either we got no JSON from the API. Or the basenode-parameter is not ok.
Switch on the Debugmode of the Plugin! hello = world
exampledate = 19.07.2023, 00:00:00
exampletimestamp = 01.09.2021, 08:40:00

one two three four
start = Very good, this is the value of 'start', right out of the JSON-data

key = This is the first value of key in the 'level1'-array
id = 11111
type = aaaa

key = This is the second value of key in the 'level1'-array
id = 222
type = bbbb

key = This is the third value of key in the 'level1'-array
id = 33333333
type = aaaa

key = This is the fourth value of key in the 'level1'-array
id = 4444
type = aaaa